The Effect of Co-CEO Structure on the Likelihood and Accuracy of Management Forecasts
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This paper examines the relationship between co-CEO structure and management forecast. Using 22,221 firm-year observations from year 2002 to 2019, we find the following results. First, we find a positive relation between co-CEO structure and the likelihood of management forecast issuance. Specifically, we find that firms with a co-CEO structure are more likely to issue a forecast for sales and operating earnings. Second, we find a negative relation between co-CEO structure and forecast error. The forecast error for sales, operating earnings, and earnings appears to be smaller for firms with a co-CEO structure compared to firms with a sole-CEO structure. Our results are consistent with co-CEOs having higher quality of private information compared to sole-CEOs, and co-CEOs delivering more forecasts to signal their ability in anticipation of future performance.
Co-CEO structure, Managerial forecasts, Forecast likelihood, Forecast accuracyReferences
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∙ The author Jae Eun Shin is an assistant professor at School of Industrial Management, Korea University of Technology & Education. Her research interests include earnings informativeness, earnings management, and corporate governance.
∙ The author Gun Lee is an associate professor at Accounting Department, Changwon National University. His research interests are corporate governance and corporate disclosure.