Effect of Reviewer Writing Device Type (Mobile vs. PC) on Linguistic Style of Hotel Reviews: Focusing on Foreign Traveler Reviews of Hotels Located in Seoul
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Unlike PCs, mobile devices have become a major tool for creating and exploring information, providing access to the internet anytime and anywhere. As the influence of mobile devices on online consumer behavior grows, researchers have analyzed differences in consumer behavior based on the device used. However, there are not enough studies examining the differences in linguistic characteristics of reviews depending on the writing device. This study analyzed the effects of writing devices(mobile vs. PC) on four linguistic styles: review depth, analytical style, clout style, and readability, which are the linguistic characteristics of reviews. For empirical analysis, 1,830 review data were collected from 20 hotels located in Seoul from TripAdvisor, a leading review platform. A total of 616 review data written on mobile and PC devices were analyzed through propensity score matching. The analysis revealed that reviews written on mobile devices exhibited decreased review depth and analytical style while demonstrating increased clout style and readability compared to reviews written on PCs.
device, mobile, PC, linguistic style, review depth, analytical style, strong tone style, readabilityReferences
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∙ The author Jungwon Lee is currently a research professor at the Sejong Management Research Institute, Korea University. He obtained his master's degree in e-Business from Korea University and his Ph.D. in Marketing from the Department of Business Administration at Korea University. His main research interest is in Online Consumer Behavior.
∙ The author Jaehyun You is currently an associate professor in Division of Convergence Business at Korea University. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Economics, master's degree in Business Administration, and Ph.D. in Business Administration from Korea University. His main research interests include High Tech Product Adoption & Diffusion Strategy, Omni-Channel Marketing Strategy, and Consumer Behavior.