리더 감정노동의 확장: 척도 개정 및 매개효과 연구
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This research aimed to investigate the effect of the perceived leader’s intention by the employees through an in-depth analysis on the scale of leader’s emotional labor. First, a survey was conducted in on 496 Korean employees to explore factors of leader’s emotional labor. The data demonstrated that the factors of surface acting was separated by the employees’ perception of leaders’ bad faith(faking) and contextual appropriateness(suppression). It also confirmed that each factor correlated differently with the employees’ work outcomes. Secondly, another survey was conducted on 445 employees and the four factors of leader’s emotional labor were reconfirmed. Lastly, follow-up survey was performed selecting 224 employees who participated in the previous survey. We analyzed the mediating effect of perceived leadership on the relationship between sub-types of leader’s emotional labor perceived by the employees and their work attitude. Resultantly, we found that positive surface acting of leaders’ appropriateness and negative surface acting of leaders’ bad faith had different effects on work engagement via leader-member exchange quality. Also this research suggested theoretical and practical implications of the relationship between emotional labor and emotional display leadership hinting the directions of future research.
Emotional labor, Leadership, LMX, Burnout, Work engagementAcknowledgments
A previous version of the study 1 was accepted in a poster presentation of first author at the 2018 conference of the Korean Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the fourth author’s master thesis.
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∙ The author Jong-Hyun Lee is an assistant professor at Dept. of Psych. Gyeongsang National University. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in I/O Psychology from Ajou University. After receiving degree, he worked as a senior researcher and research professor at the Social Science Research Institute at Ajou University. His research interests include job embeddedness, workplace meeting, mindfulness, and job stress.
∙ The author Young-Kook Moon is a PhD candidate in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the Central Michigan University. Before he attended the doctoral program at the Central Michigan University, he received his Master of Arts degree in I/O Psychology at the Ajou University in 2020 and his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Psychology from the Ajou University. His primary research focuses on occupational health psychology, personality and individual difference, employee turnover, and workplace meeting.
∙ The author Young-Eun Yang is an adjunct professor at Konkuk University Graduate School of Public Administration. She received her B.A. in French language and literature from Seoul National University and MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. Also, she received Ph.D. in Management from Konkuk University. Her research interests include work engagement, job crafting, and psychological ownership.
∙ The author Ji-Soo Park is currently working as a senior consultant at KiumTech. He graduated from Department of Psychology at Ajou University and obtained a master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology at Ajou University. The main work areas are education consulting and curriculum development.