MZ세대의 노동조합에 대한 태도 변화
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This study analyzed the changes in the perception of the youth generation about the trade unions and their instrumentality. Using data from the 2006 and 2019 labor panels of the Korea Labor Institute, it was confirmed that the MZ youth generation perceived the possibility of improving their socioeconomic status as lower than that of the younger generation who responded to the 2006 data. The authors judged that the leading causes of the lower socio-economic status improvement potential were the discriminatory labor market and lack of opportunity. In this context, the authors hypothesized that the recent generation of young people will perceive union instrumentality to be higher than that of the previous youth. As a result of the analysis, as hypothesized, it was confirmed that the younger generation's awareness of the union's instrumentality toward wages, employment, and fair treatment has increased. At the same time, it was statistically significant that the younger generation's willingness to join the trade unions increased compared to the previous one, and the youth who had already joined the union had a lower intention to withdraw from the trade unions.
the MZ youth generation, socioeconomic status, union instrumentality, willingness to join the union, intention to withdraw from union membershipAcknowledgments
This research is supported by Seoul National University of Science and Technology Research Fund (in 2022)
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∙ The author Minju Shin is a senior researcher at Research Center for Innovative Platform, Kookmin University. She received her Ph.D in Business Administration from Korea University. Her research interests include gender discrimination, MZ generations, and platform labor.
∙ The author Heung-Jun Jung is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, College of Technology and Management. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Korea University. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked as a research fellow at the Korea Labor Institute. His major research areas are labor relations, business ethics, non-regular workers, and platform labor.