Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 50, No. 3, pp.829-860
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2021
Received 04 Jan 2021 Accepted 19 Feb 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2021.50.3.829

핵심자기평가, 동료신뢰, 상호의존성이 가상협업역량의 조절효과와 함께 원격근무자의 지식공유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Han Kyu Jin ; YoungKyoung Kim ; Jungwoo Lee
(First Author) Yonsei University, Management of Technology hankyu.jin@yonsei.ac.kr
(Corresponding Author) Yonsei University, Management of Technology yunicekim@yonsei.ac.kr
(Co-Author) Yonsei University, Graduate School of Information jlee@yonsei.ac.kr
Effects of Core Self-evaluation, Co-worker Trust, and Social Interdependence with Moderation of Individual Virtual Competence on Knowledge Sharing of Remote Workers

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With the advance of information technology, remote work is increasingly adopted as a standard practice in the field. This study explores the underlying mechanism of knowledge sharing in a remote work environment. Via literature review, core self-evaluation, co-worker trust, social interdependence, and individual virtual competence are identified as critical antecedents and performance and job satisfaction as outcomes of knowledge sharing. An empirical model is derived with individual virtual competence as the moderating construct of all the antecedents. Analysis of survey data collected from 178 workers with remote work experience revealed that affective co-worker trust and goal interdependence have a stronger influence on knowledge sharing than core self-evaluation and task interdependence. Interestingly, cognitive trust turns out to be insignificant in our sample. Moreover, the impact of affective co-worker trust, task interdependence, and goal interdependence on knowledge sharing is found to be strongly moderated by individual virtual competence, impacting job performance and job satisfaction. Task and goal interdependence needs to be carefully designed in a remote work environments in order to increase knowledge sharing among remote workers. Also, increasing affective trust by way of intermittent face-to-face meeting would benefit the performance and satisfaction. Future research and limitations are discussed at the end.


telework, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, core self-evaluation(CSE), co-worker trust, social interdependence, individual virtual competence(IVC)


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∙ The author Han Kyu Jin is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Management of Technology(MOT) at Yonsei University and serves as a research fellow at Samsung Economic Research Institute. His research interests are strategic change, technological search, and knowledge management.

∙ The author YoungKyoung Kim is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Management of Technology(MOT) at Yonsei University. She earned a master’s degree in Business Administration from Yonsei University. After working at Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Standard Chartered, and Deutsch Securities as an equity investment analyst, she is currently a venture capitalist at D3 Jubilee Partners. Her research interests are organizational ecology, industrial organization, and platform economics.

∙ The author Jungwoo Lee is a Professor of Smart Technology Management in the Graduate School of Information at Yonsei University. He received his Ph.D. from The Georgia State University. His research focuses on the changing nature of work with smart technology, government digitalization, He has been published in Government Information Quarterly, Information and Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management Perspective, and Information Systems Journal.