연령 다양성이 선택적 복리후생제도 활용에 미치는 영향: 외부인력 유입과 환경 복잡성의 조절효과
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This study pays attention to the necessity for discussion of determinants in the utilization of flexible benefit plans, and examines whether age diversity increases the utilization of flexible benefit plans or not from the intra-organizational ecology perspective. In addition, this study considers the inflow of workforce from the external labor market (experienced employees) and environmental complexity as the critical moderators influencing the relationship between age diversity and the utilization of flexible benefit plans. In other words, this study predicts that these moderators will strengthen the main effect. The results of longitudinal analyses with HCCP datasets showed that age diversity increased the utilization of flexible benefit plans, as predicted. However, the moderating effect of the inflow of workforce from the external labor market was not statistically significant, and the moderating effect of environmental complexity rather demonstrated the opposite direction compared to the hypothesis. More specifically, when the degree of environmental complexity is low, the positive relationship between age diversity and the utilization of flexible benefit plans became more pronounced. In the discussion part, this study provides the possible explanations for unsupported hypotheses, and suggests the implications as well as limitations for future research.
flexible benefit plan, age diversity, workforce inflow, environmental complexity, intraorganizational ecologyAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020S1A5A8042499).
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∙The author Jisung Park is an assistant professor of the School of Business at Chungnam National University. She earned a Bachelor’s degree of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in business administration at Seoul National University. Before joining a doctoral program, she worked as a senior business consultant at the HRM/Organization consulting firm. Her research interests are strategic human resource management (SHRM), knowledge management (KM), and organizational innovation.
∙The author Chiho Ok is an assistant Professor of the College of Business Administration at Kangwon National University. He received his PhD in management from the Korea University Business School at Korea University. His research interests include strategic human resource management, voluntary turnover, and longitudinal research design.
∙The author Se Ri No is an associate research fellow in the Industrial Relations Research Division at Korea Labor Institute. She earned both master and doctoral degrees of business administration at Hanyang University. Her main research areas are workplace innovation, IT development and labor, manufacturing innovation, and compensation management.