디스플레이 시장에서 기술 특성 및 플랫폼 리더십이 지배적 디자인 결정에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: LCD와 OLED간 경쟁을 중심으로
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This study sets out to propose a new model of platform leadership according to theoretical grounds for the technological characteristics influencing dominant design decisions. The goal of this study is to examine if three technological characteristics identified in the competition between LCD and PDP, applicability of technology, fitness for market demand, and possibility of technological cooperation between firms, would be applicable to the emerging competition between LCD and OLED. Furthermore, this study focuses on platform leadership, which secures the ecosystem within the industry, lead the market, and make it easier for supplementary firms to innovate at the same time. According to the interview with experts, OLED would have increased possibilities of being chosen as a dominant design based on its higher applicability than LCD. OLED is also dominant in the market demand due to the rising share of the mobile display market and the decreased price of average parts. Technology with greater possibilities of cooperation between firms also has a higher chance of becoming the dominant design due to the impact of supply chains in the area of materials/parts and equipment. This study provides examples of dominant design positions gained by platform leadership from two Korean companies in their way.
Dominant design, Technological characteristic, Platform leadership, Display, LCD, OLEDReferences
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∙The author Jun Taek Lee has been working for Samsung Electronics for 20 years. He has graduated from Yonsei University in Psychology and received a master’s degree in marketing at Sogang University, and now in Ph.D. course at Sogang Business School. His focus is a study of Technology Management and Product-Service Integration.
∙The author Kilsun Kim is a Professor at Sogang University. Prior to joining Sogang, he taught at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his PhD and MBA degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and BA in Business Administration from Sogang University. His research interests are in new product development and technology management.
∙The author Miri Kim is an instructor of the Department of Business Administration at Sogang University in Korea. She holds M.S. and Ph. D. from Graduate School of Business at Sogang University. Her research interests include technology management and strategy of product and service.