경쟁환경이 연구개발비 지출에 미치는 영향: 산업수준요소를 중심으로
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This study examines the effects of competitive environment on R&D costs. R&D costs are a significant expense for companies to increase their competitiveness. However, there are few previous studies related to R&D costs and competitive environment. This study examines the effect of industry competition on R&D costs.
The results of this study are as follows. First, the R&D costs are high in the market with a large product differentiation strategy. The market with a high product differentiation strategy shows that R&D costs are increasing to secure competitive advantage. Second, the market with high entry barriers and R&D costs are positively related. Finally, market growth and R&D costs are positively related.
This study has the following contributions. This study is significant in that it shows empirically that the expenditure level of R&D costs can be changed from the perspective of the company's survival, focusing on the industrial level factor.
R&D, industry-level, product differentiation strategy, competition, market growthAcknowledgments
This paper is written by revising and supplementing part of the first author’s doctoral thesis.
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∙ The author Byoungyun Ha is a doctoral candidate at Chung-Ang University. His research interests include Public Entities’ Strategy & Operations, Public Innovation, Performance management.
∙ The author Cheolkyu Hong is a professor of accounting at the College of Business & Economics, Chung-Ang University. He received his Ph.D in Accounting from London School of Economics. The main research areas are cost accounting, managerial accounting, Performance management/ evaluation, Public Entities’ management, Information communication public policy.