Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 49, No. 6, pp.1549-1573
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2020
Received 13 Apr 2020 Revised 03 Aug 2020 Accepted 13 Aug 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2020.49.6.1549

임파워링 리더십이 촉진적 발언 행동에 미치는 영향: 심리적 안전감의 매개효과와 동료침묵의 조절된 매개효과

Young-seo Choi ; Bongsoon Cho ; Eunyoung Lee
(First Author) Director of the Art of Living and Culture Institute satyam10@naver.com
(Corresponding Author) Sogang University bcho@sogang.ac.kr
(Co-Author) Sogang Sustainable Ethics Research Institute eylee@sogang.ac.kr
The Effect of Empowering Leadership on Follower’s Promotive Voice Behavior: Mediating Effect of Psychological Safety and Moderated Mediating Effect of Coworker’s Acquiescent Silence

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Voice behaviors have been received considerable interests both from scholars and practitioners due to its expected benefit to promote continuing organizational innovation. However, few studies have been conducted concurrently considered all factors influencing voice behavior - supervisors, colleagues, and self - to put in to the research model. Thus, this study suggested that follower’s voice behaviors are influenced by leaders’ empowering leadership, individual’s psychological safety, and coworkers’ acquiescent. silence. Specifically, a leader’s empowering leadership is expected to promote subordinates’ psychological safety, subsequently leads to encourage their voice behaviors. Coworkers’ acquiescent silence is expected to negatively moderate the relationship between empowering leadership on subordinates’ promotive voice behaviors which is mediated by subordinates’ psychological safety. To test the research problem, we collected survey data from 171 leader-subordinate pairs and conducted regression analysis. The result supported our research hypotheses, showing the mediation effect of psychological safety and moderated mediation effect of acquiescent silence. From this study, we tried to expand the scope of concepts relating to voice literatures, by examining the process and conditions inducing positive and constructive voice behaviors of organizational member. Also, based on the theoretical model, we suggested practical implications to promote constructive employee voice behaviors.


Voice Behavior, Promotive Voice Behavior, Empowering Leadership, Psychological Safety, Employee Silence


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∙ The author Young-seo Choi is currently serving as director of the Art of Living and Culture Institute, and a chief researcher at EnF Advisor. She completed her master's degree in Human Resources Organization at Sogang University's Graduate School of Business Administration and bachelor degree from the Department of Mechanical System Design at Hongik University. She has been coaching and educating leaders of major companies on leadership, and have been working on projects related to organizational culture change for more than 10 years.

∙ The author Bongsoon Cho is a professor at Sogang Business School, Sogang University. He received Ph. D from the State University of New York at Buffalo, majoring Organization and Human Resources. His research areas include conflicts within and between groups, organizational identity, leadership, human resource management, and business ethics.

∙ The author Eunyoung Lee received Ph. D from Sogang Business School (Major: OBHRM & Strategy). She currently works as a researcher at Sogang Sustainable Ethics Research Institute. Her research areas include organizational identity, leadership, business ethics and minority management.