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korean management review - Vol. 50 , No. 5

[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 1279-1305
Abbreviation: kmr
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Oct 2021
Received 12 Jan 2021 Revised 04 May 2021 Accepted 09 Jun 2021

A Study on the Factors Affecting Tourists’ Intention to Switching to Contactless Services Using Self-Service Technology: Focusing on Migration Theory
Yerin Yhee ; Namho Chung ; Chulmo Koo
(First Author) Smart Tourism Education Platform, Kyung Hee University (
(Corresponding Author) Smart Tourism Education Platform, Kyung Hee University (
(Co-Author) Smart Tourism Education Platform, Kyung Hee University (

관광객들의 셀프서비스기술을 이용한 비대면 서비스로의 전환 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 이주이론을 중심으로

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Self-service technology refers to any technological interface tool that allows technology users to produce their own services without direct face-to-face and involvement with employees, away from traditional service environments. In particular, kiosks are introduced as a means to replace employees' roles in providing services for the purpose of reducing labor costs from the perspective of service companies with a large proportion of human resources. The introduction of these kiosks has significantly changed the way businesses interact with customers from ‘high-touch and low-tech’ to ‘high-tech and low-touch’. However, existing studies on kiosks focus on finding motivation for customers to use or accept kiosks, failing to provide a reasonable theoretical perspective for customers to explain their switching from face-to-face services to non-face-to-face services using kiosks. Therefore, the study applied a migration theory to explain the switching behavior of existing face-to-face services to non-face-to-face services through kiosks in terms of the service channel. This study conducted an online survey in June 2020 and used a total of 182 responses for the empirical analysis. We found that the effect of the mooring factors was the most significant among the push, pull factors, and mooring factors.

Keywords: Self-Service Technology, Kiosk, Migration Theory, Push-Pull-Mooring Model


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019S1A3A2098438)

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∙ The author Yerin Yhee is a Ph.D. student in the Smart Tourism Education Platform, Graduate school, Kyung Hee University and is also a research assistant of smart tourism research center (STRC). Her current research interests include smart tourism, data-driven service design in tourism, tourist’s behavior and behavior.

∙ The author Namho Chung is a Professor at the Smart Tourism Education Platform, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, and the Director of Smart Tourism Research Center at Kyung Hee University. He is a Co-Editors-in-Chief of Journal of Smart Tourism. He leads smart tourism cities projects in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea. His name is listed in the Hall of Fame at Kyung Hee University for his outstanding achievements.

∙ The author Chulmo Koo is professor at Kyung Hee University and a Editors-in-Chief of Journal of Smart Tourism.s He has been actively publishing over 50 SSCI level journals including top tier journals regarding smart tourism and IT. He was invited as a guest editor of many mainstream smart tourism journals such as: Information and Management, International Journal of Information Management, Computer in Human Behavior, Information System Frontiers.