Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 53, No. 1, pp.57-82
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 28 Feb 2024
Received 04 Oct 2023 Revised 14 Nov 2023 Accepted 18 Nov 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2024.53.1.57

혁신확산과 캐즘 이론에 기초한 디지털 전환 확산모형: 글로벌 전자부품 기업의 DX 사례 분석

Jae-Yong Yang ; Kwangtae Park
(First Author) Hanyang University jyyang@hanyang.ac.kr
(Corresponding Author) Korea University ktpark@korea.ac.kr
Diffusion Model of Digital Transformation Based on Diffusion of Innovation and Chasm Theory: Analysis on the DX Case of Global Electronic Components Company

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Digital transformation is becoming a huge trend in the industry. However, successful cases of digital transformation promotion are rarely reported. Therefore, the need to explore various cases of digital transformation and analyze success and failure factors is raised. The purpose of this study is to conceptualize a digital transformation diffusion model based on innovation diffusion and chasm theory, and to verify the validity of the model through analysis of digital transformation promotion cases. The diffusion process of innovation takes the form of S-curve, and due to the discontinuity of innovation, the diffusion of innovation requires a considerable adjustment period. This is called chasm. Therefore, digital transformation can only succeed if chasm is overcome. The digital transformation diffusion model is a conceptualized model based on this theoretical background. In particular, we confirmed through the case of digital transformation promotion that the case companies are following the pattern suggested by the digital transformation diffusion model. This study is significant in that various types of digital barriers form chasm in the process of promoting digital transformation, and it presents a framework for analysis and alternative proposals.


Digital Transformation, Diffusion of Innovation, S-curve, Chasm, Digital Barriers


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∙ The author Jae-Yong Yang is an assistant professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies at Hanyang University. He received a Ph.D. in Management Consulting from Hanyang University. He worked for Kia Motors, Shinsegae I&C, and LG Innotek and was responsible for asset management, new business development, marketing, and operational innovation consulting. When he worked in the industry, he won the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in recognition of the digital innovation achievements of retail stores. Major research areas are digital innovation, product & service innovation, and ESG management strategies.

∙ The author Kwangtae Park is a professor in the Korea University Business School. He received a Ph.D. in IEOR from Univ. of California, Berkeley. Major research areas are business innovation, SCM and service management.