목적의식과 포용성이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 조직지원인지와 직무열의의 매개효과를 중심으로
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This study developed a mediation model explaining how a sense of purpose and perceived inclusiveness can enhance organizational commitment by way of perceived organizational support and employee engagement. We tested the model with data collected from 722 employees representing 214 diverse companies. Our findings demonstrate that both personal and organizational purposes, along with inclusiveness, heighten organizational commitment through the avenues of perceived organizational support and engagement. Furthermore, our finding reveals that perceived organizational support influences engagement, rather than the reverse. This study underscores the significance of a sense of belonging within the organizational boundary. Purpose, inclusiveness, and perceived organizational support all promote a profound sense of belonging with the organizational boundary. The psychological sense of belonging elicits the space for employees to exercise ownership for engagement. Drawing upon these findings, we further discussed their theoretical and practical ramifications.
Senses of Purpose, Inclusion, Employee, Organizational Commitment, Perceived Organizational Support, Job EngagementReferences
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∙ The author Moonjoo Kim is currently an adjunct professor in the Ewha School of Business at Ewha Womans University. After graduating from Ewha Womans University she obtained Ph.D at the same university with a thesis on “the effect of team diversity and team sharedness”. Since then, she has been teaching organizational behavior, human resource management, business ethics, and employment relations, and the main research areas include team diversity, diversity management, purpose-driven management, authentic leadership and shared leadership.
∙ The author Jeongkoo Yoon is professor in the Ewha School of Business at Ewha Womans University, S. Korea. His interest in research includes organizational change, leadership, and social exchange theory.
∙ The author Jieun Kim is currently working as a HR consultant at a global distribution company. She studied business administration at Ewha Womans University, earned an MBA from Seoul National University, and obtained a Ph.D. in business administration at Ewha Womans University. With a background in marketing and business strategy, she has been actively involved in leadership lectures and organizational culture consulting. Her main research areas include employees' compassion, purpose-driven management, and intrinsic motivation and related topics.