ESG활동이 내·외부 고객만족에 미치는 영향: ESG, 직원만족 및 고객만족 현장데이터의 통합분석
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In this study, using field data such as ESG, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction data collected from a wide range of industries, the ESG activities of companies and individual activities have an integrated study on the relationship between internal and external customer satisfaction from the perspective of internal and external customers.
The analysis results are as follows. First, through text mining analysis, it was confirmed that there is a relationship between ESG activities and internal and external customer satisfaction. Second, as a result of conducting empirical analysis using field data such as KCGS’s ESG rating, Job Planet’s employee satisfaction, and KMAC’s KCSI data, ESG activities have a positive effect on both internal and external customer satisfaction. In particular, ESG activities were found to have a relatively greater impact on customer satisfaction than employee satisfaction. Third, in the empirical analysis using KEJI, it was found that environmental activities have a positive effect on both internal and external customer satisfaction. Corporate governance activities had a positive effect only on employee satisfaction. Social activities did not have a significant effect on employee satisfaction, but rather showed a negative relationship with customer satisfaction. The interpretations of these findings and the implications are also discussed.
ESG, internal/external satisfaction, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, text mining, integrated analysis of KCGS and KEJI ESG dataAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022S1A5A2A01044730)
This work was supported by a research grant from Seoul Women’s University(2023-0006)
This paper revised and supplemented the paper presented at the Convergence Academic Conference of the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
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∙ The author Jong-ho Huh is a professor of business administration at Seoul Women’s University. He received Ph.D. in marketing from Sogang University. Before joining to Seoul Women’s University, he served as an assistant professor of business administration at Kyungsang National University. His research area includes ESG, behavioral economy, and brand strategy.
∙ The author Ga-eun Lee is a student at Seoul Women’s University. The main areas of interest are ESG and marketing.
∙ The author Min-ha Park is a student at Seoul Women’s University. The main areas of interest are ESG and marketing.
∙ The author Eun-je Jeong is a student at Ewha Womans University. The main areas of interest are ESG and marketing.