브랜드가 제안하는 대의명분에 소비자가 자발적으로 기부에 참여할 때 나타나는 효과: 전통적 대의명분마케팅과의 비교
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Minewater has attempted a new type of cause marketing, suggesting alternatives that can be donated to consumers. However, consumers' voluntary donation methods have not received attention from many scholars. This study aims to analyze the effect that appears when an alternative for consumers to choose donation is presented in a cause-related marketing campaign.
This study developed three types of advertisements. The first one is traditional cause-related advertising. Second one is to introduce alternative to participate in donations to the cosumers. If consumers donate, the company will also donate, and if they do not donate, the company will not donate. Third one is to guide consumers to participate in the donation, but the brand will donate even though consumers do not choose to donate.
This study analyzed the differences in brand attitude and purchase intention after collecting data on consumers' actual responses to three options through online surveys. As a result, 1) When consumers encountered donation-participating type 2, they responded more favorably than when they encountered traditional causes or donation-participating type 1 advertisements, and consumers who chose to donate increased their loyalty or willingness to repurchase.
Finally, this study summarized the research results, discussed academic and practical implications, and proposed limitations of the study and subsequent research directions accordingly.
Cause-related Marketing, Donation Participation by Consumers, Co-creation ValueReferences
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∙ The author Yeonhee Park is completed her master's degree in business administration at Dongguk University and is currently working as a freelance in marketing field. This paper is a revised version of Yeon-hee Park's master's dissertation.
∙ The author Changjo Yoo is correspondence author, is a professor of business administration at Dongguk University. Changjo Yoo received MBA from the University of Oregon and Ph. D(major: marketing) from the University of Arizona. Changjo Yoo served as the president of KASBA, the president of the Korean Marketing Association, the president of Korean Society of Consumer Studies, and the president of the Korean Advertising Association. He also worked for CSV Society as secretary general and Korea Sustainable Management Forum as a chairman. His main research fields are consumer behavior, marketing strategies and CSR.