신흥 아시아 시장에서 기관투자자와 지적재산권 지출이 벤처 캐피탈 투자에 미치는 영향
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In recent years, venture capital funds in emerging Asian markets have witnessed significant growth. This study investigates the impact of institutional investors and intellectual property payments on venture capital fund using panel data from 8 emerging Asian countries and 13 developed countries over the 10-year period from 2011 to 2020. In emerging Asian markets, the results show that new institutional investors have a significant positive impact on the development of venture capital funds. Intellectual property payments has a significant negative impact on venture capital in emerging Asian Markets. On the other hands, in developed markets, new institutional investors and intellectual property payments do not have a significant impact on the development of venture capital funds. Furthermore, we find that market capitalization has a strong negative impact on venture capital fund investment in emerging Asian markets, unlike in developed markets. Rule of law has a strong positive impact on venture capital fund investment in emerging Asian markets. GDP growth in emerging Asian markets has a strong negative effect on venture capital fund in emerging Asian markets. These findings suggest that the factors affecting venture capital funds in emerging Asian markets are somewhat different from the developed markets. Therefore, future research on venture capital should consider the characteristics of emerging Asian markets.
venture capital fund, institutional investor, intellectual property payment, Asian market, developed marketReferences
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∙ The author Jongho Lee is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Human Resources and Organization at the College of Business, Chungbuk National University. He completed his undergraduate studies in the Department of Public Administration at the Korean National Police University and obtained his master's degree in International Business from the University of Bergamo, Italy. Following his graduation from the Korean National Police University, he was commissioned as an inspector and currently serves as a police officer at Chungbuk Police Agency. His research interests encompass private equity, leadership, and emotional labor.
∙ The author Gukdo Byun is an associate professor at the College of Business, Chungbuk National University. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and his M.S. from Seoul National University. His research interests encompass leadership, followership, ethical leadership, empowering leadership, and influence tactics.
∙ The author Jihyeon Rhie is currently a doctoral student at School of Business, Chungbuk National University. She graduated and received her master’s degree from Chungbuk National University, department of business administration. Her research interests include leadership, influence tactics, new ways of working, and unethical pro-organizational behavior.
∙ The author Wookyo Shin is obtained a master's degree in business administration from Korea University. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in business administration at Chungbuk National University. His primary areas of interest include emotional leadership, emotional intelligence, and change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (CO-OCB).