Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 52, No. 4, pp.835-862
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2023
Received 25 Jan 2023 Revised 13 May 2023 Accepted 27 May 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2023.52.4.835

정부 R&D 지원이 중소기업의 성과에 미치는 영향: 정부 지원을 받은 기업과 비(非)지원기업의 비교 분석

Sunha Kim ; Jinhwan Hong ; Hunhee Lee
(First Author) Creactive Inc. ksh090609@naver.com
(Corresponding Author) University of Suwon jinhong@suwon.ac.kr
(Co-Author) TIPA, Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs hlee@tipa.or.kr
Impacts of Government R&D Support on SMEs’ Performances: Comparative Analysis between SMEs with vs. without Government R&D Support

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As government supports for SMEs’ R&D is increasing every year, the effectiveness of government's support as well as SMEs’ R&D performance has become important. In this study, the impacts of government R&D support on the qualitative, technological, and economic performance of SMEs was analyzed through a comparative analysis of SMEs with vs. without government R&D support.

In [Study 1], the performance difference between SMEs with vs. without government R&D support was compared and analyzed using financial data and survey results of 269 SMEs with government R&D support and 269 non-supported SMEs selected through one-to-one exact matching with supported companies. There was no significant difference between the supported and non-supported companies before participating in the R&D project, however, after the completion of the R&D project, the supported companies showed significantly higher performance. In [Study 2], an analysis was conducted to identify the cause of the performance difference. The result showed that the capabilities and activities of the supported companies affect technical and economic performance by mediating organizational capabilities. This study implies that government R&D support produces results in various aspects, such as the growth of SMEs' capabilities, in addition to technological and economic performance.


Government R&D Supports, SMEs’(Small & Medium Companies) R&D Performance, Government Support Performance Analysis, Organizational Capability


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∙ The author Sunha Kim is a general director of public services at Creactive Inc, a strategy consulting firm, where she has conducted several major projects in performance assessment of government R&D support programs. She majored in Economics in Sungkyunkwan University, and received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Suwon. Her research interests include strategic planning and performance assessment of government R&D support programs.

∙ The author Jinhwan Hong is a Professor of Business Administration at the University of Suwon. He received his B.B.A. and M.B.A from Seoul National University, completed D.B.A from Boston University, and received Ph.D. from ChungAng University. His research areas include new product development, marketing strategies and entrepreneurship.

∙ The author Hunhee Lee is an director of strategic planning division at the TIPA. He received master's degree in Ohio University and Northeastern University, and received his Ph.D. from Northeastern University, USA in Industrial & Information Systems. He has worked at SRI and PBC, and is currently serving at the TIPA, and is an adjunct professor at Hanyang University and Hansung University. His research interests include information technology strategy, management of technology and technology development support policies, etc.