The Effect of Keyword Selection of e-commerce Platform Sellers On Sales
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Sellers on e-commerce platforms can increase sales opportunities by selecting keywords that can effectively expose their products to potential consumers. However, related literature has not sufficiently studied the effect of keyword characteristics on sellers' sales. In particular, most studies on keyword characteristics have been conducted in the context of search advertising. Drawing on the shopping goal theory, this study investigated the relationship between keyword characteristics and seller performance on e-commerce platforms. Empirical analysis was conducted using a dataset of 24,907 keywords collected from 30 product categories on Amazon, a representative global e-commerce platform. Regression analysis revealed that keyword readability, customer characteristic keywords, and brand characteristic keywords had a positive effect on seller sales, while keyword specificity had a negative effect on sales.
e-commerce platform, keyword characteristics, shopping goal theory, sellerReferences
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∙ The author Jungwon Lee is currently a research professor at the Sejong Management Research Institute, Korea University. He obtained his master's degree in e-Business from Korea University and his Ph.D. in Marketing from the Department of Business Administration at Korea University. His main research interest is in Online Consumer Behavior.
∙ The author Jaehyun You is currently an associate professor in Division of Convergence Business at Korea University. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Economics, master's degree in Business Administration, and Ph.D. in Business Administration from Korea University. His main research interests include High Tech Product Adoption & Diffusion Strategy, Omni-Channel Marketing Strategy, and Consumer Behavior.