Internationalization and Corporate Sustainability: The Moderating Roles of Firm and Industry Characteristics
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Environmental (E),social (S),and governance (G) has been under the limelight for the global corporations. Given this trend, growing number of firms pursue sustainability by enhancing the level of ESG. This paper especially focuses on firm’s internationalization as an important antecedent of corporate sustainability. With Korean MNEs’ listed on Refinitiv ESG Index, we propose that the degree of internationalization has positive influence on the level of corporate sustainability. We further test how internal (i.e., visibility, research and development intensity) and external characteristics (i.e., industry munificence, industry dynamism) of the firm moderate the relationship between internationalization and sustainability. Using a sample of 406 publicly traded Korean firms from 2016 to 2018, we found that firm’s degree of internationalization has positive impact on the level of corporate sustainability. Our results further show that such relationship is more pronounced when a firm has high level of visibility, research and development intensity, and industry dynamism. However, we do not find the moderation effect of industry munificence. We conclude that high degree of internationalization increase the level of sustainability to meet various stakeholder’s interests.
Internationalization, Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Visibility, R&D intensity, Industry munificence, Industry DynamismReferences
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∙ The author Seunghye Lee is currently working as an adjunct professor at Sogang Univeristy in Korea. She received her bachelor’s degree in business administration from University of Oregon. She received her master degree as well as PhD in business from Sogang University. Her research interest includes CEO characteristics, corporate governance, ESG/CSR, and so on.
∙ The author Yoonjin Kim is currently a PhD candidate at Sogang University. She received her bachelor's degree in Korean Literature and Economics from Yonsei University. She received her MBA from KAIST, MSc from University of Rochester. Her research focuses on environmental management, sustainable management, CEO decision making, and corporate governance.