ESG 활동이 종업원의 행동에 미치는 영향: 조직신뢰와 조직동일시를 통하여
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In order to find out how the company's ESG activities affect the company's employees, this study examines the relationship between the employees' perceptions of ESG activities, organizational trust, organizational identification, innovative behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, the mediating effect of organizational trust and organizational identification was confirmed in the relationship between perceptions of ESG activities, innovative behavior, and organizational citizenship behavior. As a result of the analysis, first, it was confirmed that the corporate employees' perceptions of ESG activities had a significant effect on organizational trust and organizational identification. Second, it was verified that organizational trust and organizational identification had a significant effect on employees’ innovative behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Third, the mediating effect of organizational trust and organizational identification in the relationship between employees' perception of ESG activities, innovative behavior, and organizational citizenship behavior was verified. Through this study, it was verified that the higher the employee's perceptions of ESG activities of the incumbent company, the more positively their trust and identification with the company were affected. By empirically verifying the impact of employees' perceptions of ESG activities, I would like to suggest the importance of strengthening ESG activities, which has recently become a hot topic in management.
ESG, Organizational Trust, Organizational Identification, Innovative behavior, Organizational Citizenship BehaviorAcknowledgments
This research is supported by Hansung University Research Fund
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∙ The author Byungjun Huh is currently serving as the executive director of MediPoint Co., Ltd., which handles esthetic & medical equipment. He graduated from Hongik University with a bachelor's degree in international trade and obtained a master's degree from Hansung University. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Hansung University. His main research areas of interests are organizational behavior, organizational culture, leadership in organizations, and ESG, etc.
∙ The author Hyoung-Yong Lee is currently a professor in school of management at Hansung University and received a bachelor's degree in Economics from Sungkyunkwan University and a master's and doctoral degree in management engineering from KAIST. The author's main research interests include Behavioral Intention on IT/Startup, Virtual community, Trust, Financial Fraud Detection, and Accounting Auditing.