양면적 리더십, 포용 인식, 팀 혁신 행동 간의 관계 팀 학습목표지향성의 조절된 매개효과
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Ambidextrous leadership is characterized with displaying and switching two kinds of leader behaviors, open and closed leader behaviors, flexibly depending on the situation. Despite reported empirical evidence showing the positive impact of ambidextrous leadership on team innovative behavior, few studies have specifically examined the mechanism explaining how ambidextrous leadership increases team innovative behavior. This study attempts to examine perceived inclusion as a mediator and team learning goal orientation as a moderator to better understand its underlying psychological process and boundary condition. We collected survey data from a total of 431 people (85 teams) working in public organizations and created team-level variables by aggregating individual responses into team-level measures. Our analyses confirmed that ambidextrous leadership can enhance team innovative behavior and more importantly, this relationship is mediated by increased team members’ perceived inclusion. In addition, this mediation effect was significantly moderated by team learning goal orientation. Practically, this research suggests that team innovative behavior can be promoted by a leader with an ambidextrous view whose ability to deal with conflicting needs can effectively instill a sense of inclusion among team members and this relationship would be stronger with a team high in learning goal orientation.
Ambidextrous leadership, Inclusion, Team innovation, Team goal orientationAcknowledgments
This study is based on the Ph.D. dissertation at Konkuk University (in 2020).
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∙ The author Soomin Ryu received her Ph.D. in HROB(Human Resources and Organizational Behavior) at Konkuk University. Her research interests include team dynamics, ambidexterity/paradox or competing values in organizations, and innovative behavior.
∙ The author Heajung Jung is an associate professor of HROB(Human Resources and Organizational Behavior) at Konkuk University. She received her Ph.D. form the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Her research interests center around emotions in organizational life, creativity and innovative behavior, and employee behavior in virtual work environments.