경쟁적 소비: 구매 순위, 경쟁 강도, 순위 공지 시점이 소비 성취감과 제품 품질 인식에 미치는 영향
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The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of a purchase rank and competition strength on perceived achievement and perceived product quality. Results of a series of experiments showed that in high competition, consumers tended to perceive greater achievement and product quality when they were informed of a purchase rank compared to when a purchase rank was unknown. In low competition, consumers tended to perceive greater achievement and product quality when they were top-ranked in the purchase compared to when they were middle or bottom-ranked. Effects of a purchase rank (top, middle, bottom rank) on achievement and perceived product quality were not found in the high competition. Furthermore, consumers tended to perceive greater achievement and product quality when a purchase rank was informed before purchase than after purchase. Theoretical and practical implications were further discussed.
Competitive consumption, competition strength, purchase rank, achievement, perceived product qualityAcknowledgments
This research was supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund.
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∙ The author Jihye Park, PhD is a Professor of Marketing in the College of Business at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea. After receiving her PhD from the Ohio State University, she had been on the faculty of Iowa State University. Her current research interests include consumer information processing and memory. Her research has been published in journals such as Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Psychology, and Journal of Consumer Behaviour. She received a 2014 best working paper award from Association for Consumer Research.
∙ The author Wenhan Li is a doctoral student in the College of Business at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea. His current research interests include consumer competition and information processing.