구독 기반 스트리밍 서비스의 지속적 사용 의도: 자의 및 구속 모델을 중심으로
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With the rapid development of the digital era, the trend in consumption of digital products has undergone tremendous change in recent years to a subscription-based streaming service. The success of subscription-based streaming services depends heavily on customers’ continuance usage. Multilateral perspectives are also required as antecedents of continuance usage. In consideration of the distinctive features of these services, this study adopts the dedication-constraint framework and develops a model of subscription-based streaming service continuance, which is assessed empirically using data collected from 315 actual users of music streaming services. Results indicate that subscription-based streaming service’s continuance intention is jointly determined by two mechanisms: perceived benefits (usefulness and enjoyment), and service-specific investments (personalization and learning), with the former playing a more central role. Perceived usefulness and enjoyment directly promote satisfaction, while service-specific investments in personalization and learning increase switching costs. Theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are subsequently discussed.
Subscription-based Streaming Service, Dedication-constraint Framework, Continuance Usage Intention, Music Streaming ServiceAcknowledgments
This research is supported by the Institute of Management Research at Seoul National University, This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019S1A3A2099973)
The study was revised from the author’s master’s thesis.
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∙ The author Daeun Lim received her Bachelor degree, majoring in Economics, from Cornell University, in 2014. She got her Master’s degree in management information systems from Seoul National University, Seoul, in 2017. She's currently working as a Product Owner at Kakaostyle.
∙ The author Yuna Ro is a PhD candidate of College of Business School, Seoul National University. She received her master's degree from University of Seoul, in 2009. Her research interests include information system, digital innovation, and eWOM.
∙ The author Saerom Lee has been with the School of Business Administration, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Rep. of Korea, where she is now an assistant professor, since 2018. She received her BS degree from Pusan National University, in 2010, and her PhD degree in management information systems from Seoul National University, Seoul, in 2016. Her main research interests are open collaboration and cyber bullying behaviors.
∙ The author Jungjoo Jahng has been with the Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, where he is now an professor, since 2004. He received his BS and Master degree from Seoul National University, in 1989 and 1991, and his Ph.D degree from Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, in 2000. His main research interests are digital transformation and innovation management.