Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 51, No. 6, pp.1535-1567
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2022
Received 12 Dec 2021 Revised 09 Jun 2022 Accepted 27 Jun 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2022.51.6.1535

조직 IT시스템의 클라우드 전환의도에 대한 Push, Pull, Mooring요인의 영향: PPM프레임워크 기반

Jung In Hong ; Young Wook Seo
(First Author) Department of Business Consulting, Daejeon University gruvboogi@gmail.com
(Corresponding Author) Department of Business Consulting, Daejeon University seoyy123@gmail.com
Effects of Push, Pull, Mooring Factors on Cloud Switching Intention of Organization’s IT Systems: Based on PPM Framework

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This study explored the effects of push, pull, and mooring factors on the switching intention of an organization's IT systems using a survey of 152 employees(hardware engineering, software engineering, information strategy planning) of the IT department. In this study, we adopt the PLS(partial least square) of the structural equation model for analyzing structural relationships of the switching intention of an organization's IT systems toward the cloud. This study applies the push-pull-mooring model to empirically examines the three categories of antecedents for switching intention toward the cloud. First, our findings show that both push factors and pull factors have positive impacts on the switching intention toward the cloud. Also, mooring factors have negative impacts on the switching intention toward the cloud. Second, our findings show that the mediators have mediation effects. Third, our findings show the moderation effects of mooring factors.


Cloud Computing, Migration Theory, Push-Pull-Mooring, PPM, Switching Intention


This paper has based on the first author’s master’s thesis.


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∙ The author Jung In Hong is a doctoral student at Business Consulting at Daejeon University. His research interests are in the behavioral and emotional aspects of cloud technology usage.

∙ The author Young Wook Seo is an assistant professor at Business Consulting at Daejeon University. Hist research focuses on social network analysis and smart human-computer interfaces.