Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 51, No. 4, pp.1097-1144
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2022
Received 19 Feb 2021 Revised 25 May 2022 Accepted 22 Jun 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2022.51.4.1097

진정성 리더십과 솔직한 직언이 팀 및 개인 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 다수준 분석: 피드백 행동과 팀 피드백 풍토의 매개역할

Jae-Geum Jeong ; Suk Bong Choi
(First Author) Korea University j2gok@korea.ac.kr
(Corresponding Author) Korea University sukchoi@korea.ac.kr
A Multi-Level Analysis of the Impact of Authentic Leadership and Radical Candor on Team and Individual Performance: The Mediating Role of Feedback Behavior and Team Feedback Climate

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Feedback behavior is key factor for developing an individual and team's competitive advantage. Therefore, organizational members need to focus on proactive feedback activities to improve individual and team performance. This study conducted a multi- level analysis to find out the antecedent and consequence of feedback behavior. At the team level, the relationship of the feedback climate of the team was investigated in the relationship between authentic leadership and the creative performance of the team. At the individual level, the effect of feedback behavior was examined in the relationship between radical candor and in-role & extra-role performance. The 81 teams (328 employees) were chosen from employees of 42 companies in South Korea. Our empirical analysis confirmed at the team level, that the feedback climate of the team partially mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and the team creative performance. Meanwhile, at the individual level, it was observed that the feedback behavior was fully mediated the relationship between radical candor and in-role & extra-role performance. Based on the research results, theoretical and practical implications were presented.


Authentic leadership, Feedback behavior, Team creative performance, In-role and extra-role performance, Multi-level analysis


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∙ The author Jae-Geum Jeong is a research in Sejong Institute of Management. He received a master’s degree from University of Ulsan and a Ph.D. in Corporate Management from Korea University. His research interests include innovative behavior, creativity, and leadership.

∙ The author Suk Bong Choi is a professor of management at the College of Global Business, Korea University. He received his MPA from University of Leuven (Belgium), and Ph.D. in Management from The University of London (U.K.). Before entering academia, he has worked at the Ministry of Information and Communications, Korea Information Society Development Institute and University of Ulsan. His research interests include organizational learning and behavior, creativity, leadership, and firm innovation strategy.