Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 51, No. 4, pp.979-1004
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2022
Received 20 Jan 2022 Revised 26 Apr 2022 Accepted 27 Apr 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2022.51.4.979

소셜미디어에서 고객인게이지먼트의 선행요인과 결과요인에 관한 메타분석: 문화적 차이의 조절변수를 중심으로

Yunhye Lee ; Jungwon Lee ; Cheol Park
(First Author) Korea University younhye@korea.ac.kr
(Co-Author) Korea University d2ljw510@naver.com
(Corresponding Author) Korea University cpark@korea.ac.kr
A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Engagement In Social Media: Moderating Effects of Cultural Background

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Customer engagement in social media has been studied as a major factor influencing corporate performance. Previous studies have identified antecedents and consequences that influence customer engagement, but they reported inconsistent results on the effect size, and theoretical concepts and variables are mixed. In addition, there is a limitation in that various factors controlling the effect were examined in a fragmentary context, and could not provide an integrated explanation of customer engagement. Therefore, this study intends to review the previous studies on customer engagement in social media by meta-analyzing empirical studies, and to suggest a theoretical framework representing the antecedents and consequences of customer engagement. In addition, this study tried to find an exploratory explanation for the heterogeneity of effect sizes by using cultural differences as a moderating variable. This can provide theoretical and practical implications for consumer engagement behavior by generalized and integrated results on customer engagement in social media.


Customer engagement, meta-analysis, Cultural constructs, moderator


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF-2021050752)


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∙ The author Yunhye Lee is a Ph.D. Candidate of Corporate Management at Korea University. She received her B.B.A in Tourism Management from Cheongju University and M.B.A in Marketing from Korea University. Her research interests include social media marketing, service marketing, consumer behaviors, and she has published papers in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Tourism Management Research, Korean Management Review, The Academy of Customer Satisfaction Management, and The Journal of Internet Electronic Commerce Research.

∙ The author Jungwon Lee is a Research Professor of Sejong Research Institute at Korea University He received his B.B.A in International Business from Chungbuk National University, M.S in e-business and Ph.D. in marketing from Korea University. He has been a visiting professor at Kunkook University and a lecturer at Dankook University. His research interests include digital marketing using machine leaning algorithm and big data analysis. He has published papers in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, International Journal of E-commerce Studies, Korean Management Review, Korean Marketing Review, Journal of IT Service, and Information Systems Research.

∙ The author Cheol Park is a Professor of Marketing, College of Global Business at Korea University Sejong. He received his B.A. in Economics, M.B.A. and Ph.D. in Business Administration from Seoul National University. He had worked for Samsung as assistant manager of global marketing team before joining academic area. He has been a visiting scholar at Vanderbilt University, University of Hawaii, Mongolia International University, and University of Jinan in China. His research interests include digital marketing and online consumer behaviors in the cross-cultural context. He has published papers in influential journals such as International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, International Marketing Review, and Journal of Business Research, etc.