Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.729-759
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2022
Received 21 Nov 2021 Revised 15 Feb 2022 Accepted 04 Mar 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2022.51.3.729

공유경제 서비스에 대해 소비자가 느끼는 가치가 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향: 애착과 유용성의 매개효과

Seongryul Park ; Jungki Lee
(First Author) Korea University pdomingo2000@korea.ac.kr
(Corresponding Author) Korea University jungkilee@korea.ac.kr
The Effect of Customers’ Perceived Value on Continuance Intention in the Sharing Economy: A Mediation of Attachment and Perceived Usefulness

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Sharing economy is an alternative consumption paradigm in which consumers share, rather than own, limited resources. In order for a sharing economy service to settle in successfully, it is vital for consumers to use it on a continuous basis. However, prior research on sharing economy is mostly focused on the initial purchase intention of customers, and little is known about consumer behavior related to the continuance intention. This study investigates how perceived values, perceived usefulness, and sense of attachment contribute to the continuance intention in the sharing economy service. Findings of this study are intriguing. Customers’ perceived value of the car sharing services is found to have a positive influence on their perceived usefulness, as well as, their sense of attachment to the service. Both perceived usefulness and the sense of attachment to the service have a positive influence on their continuance intention. As postulated, sense of attachment is found to mediate the relationship between the perceived usefulness and continuance intention in the sharing economy service. Thus, the customers’ continuance intention is formed based upon both evaluative(i.e., perceived usefulness) and emotive(i.e., attachment) factors associated with the service. Such findings of this study provide several implications for both academics and practitioners.


Perceived Value, Continuance Intention, Attachment, Perceived Usefulness


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∙ The author Seongryul Park is a lecturer of Marketing, college of Global Business, Korea University. His research interests include marketing, services marketing, and consumer behavior.

∙ The author Jungki Lee, Professor of Marketing, Korea University at Sejong, holds the Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Alabama. He was a tenured, associate professor at Alabama A&M University. His research areas include services marketing, consumer behavior, consumer ethics, and relationship marketing.