뉴 패러다임에 대비한 서비스 품질 모형의 개발과 적용: KS-SQI 3.0 모형을 중심으로
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The current research proposes a restructured model of the Korean representative measurement of service quality, KS-SQI 3.0. As social values have become an important theme for corporate sustainability in management, companies are being asked to fulfill their social responsibilities and corporate citizenship. In addition, service quality is an essential factor for the success of companies not only in service industries but also in manufacturing industries. KS-SQI 3.0 reflects these issues and consists of four quality dimensions: service outcome quality, service interaction quality, service environment quality, and social quality. By analyzing responses from customers of convenience stores(N=900) and mobile communication services(N=900), the present research tests the reliability and validity of KS-SQI 3.0 and causal relationships between service quality and its consequences. The results of confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the structure of service quality composed of four dimensions with eight sub-dimensions is satisfactory in terms of goodness-of-fit and reliability. Tests for causality by structural equation modeling indicate that service quality affects overall service quality and subsequently customer satisfaction, which, in turn, influences customer loyalty and happiness. The current research provides theoretical and managerial insights and directions for future research on applications of KS-SQI 3.0.
service quality, KS-SQI 3.0, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer happinessAcknowledgments
This research is supported by the Korean Standard Association.
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∙ The author Yongju Kwon is currently a visiting researcher at the Institute of Management Research at Seoul National University. She received B.S. in industrial engineering from KAIST, M.S. in management engineering from KAIST, M.S. in marketing from Northwestern University in the United States, and Ph.D. in business administration from Seoul National University. Prior to obtaining her doctorate, she worked at BTL Strategy Team and Communication Sciences Institute of Cheil Worldwide. Her main research areas are perceived economic mobility, customer aggression, and service quality measurement models.
∙ The author Hyuna Bak is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in marketing at the School of Business Administration, Seoul National University. She received her double B.A. in Business Administration from Chonnam National University and University of Texas at Dallas and M.A. in Business Administration from Seoul National University. Her current research interests include economic inequality, perceived economic mobility, and service quality.
∙ The author Cheonglim Lee is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Kyonggi University. She received B.S. and M.S. in Statistics from Chungbuk National University and a Ph.D. in Marketing from Seoul National University. Her research interests include service quality, service technology, customer satisfaction, and ethical consumption.
∙ The author Youjae Yi is a Professor of Marketing at Seoul National University. He received a B.A. from SNU and a Ph.D. in marketing from Stanford University. He was a tenured associate professor at University of Michigan. He served as the president of Korean Marketing Association, Korean Society of Consumer Studies, and Service Marketing Association. His research interests include consumer behavior, customer value management and service marketing.