지식경계 확장이 혁신성과에 미치는 영향: 제휴 유형의 조절효과
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This study aims to explore the impacts of international alliance diversity on innovation performance and the moderating effects of the types of alliances (i.e. horizontal or vertical). Based on the research stream that views alliances as a knowledge boundary expansion mechanism, this study suggests that the international alliance diversity has a positive effect on innovation performance, and that the alliance types moderate the relationship between international alliance diversity and innovation performance. The empirical analysis of the Korean pharmaceutical biotechnology firms generally supports our arguments.
Pharmaceutical biotechnology, International alliance diversity, Horizontal alliance, Vertical alliance, Exploration of external knowledgeAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the research fund of Hanyang University (HY-2020-G).
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∙ The author Suyeon Kwon is a Data Analyst of Assurance at EY Hanyoung Korea. She received her MS degree at Department of Management Consulting, Hanyang University Graduate School with a major in Business Administration. Her research interests focus on organizational learning, knowledge diffusion, strategic alliances, and technology innovation.
∙ The author Woojin Yoon is an associate professor of strategic management at Hanyang University, ERICA campus. He holds his BS and MS degrees in business administration from Yonsei University and a PhD in strategic management and international business from Seoul National University. His research has appeared in Management Decision, Journal of Management & Organization, Review of Managerial Science, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Managerial and Decision Economics, Administrative Sciences, Journal of Business Strategy and others. His research interests include organizational learning, technology management and innovation, and organizational identity and resource mobilization.