Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 51, No. 1, pp.47-77
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 28 Feb 2022
Received 05 Jul 2021 Revised 13 Sep 2021 Accepted 07 Oct 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2022.51.1.47

구매성공상황에서 고객참여를 통한 내적귀인, 자부심, 그리고 고객반응의 관계: 고객의 좋은 자부심과 나쁜 자부심

Sang Hee Kim
(First Author) College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University ksh2851@jnu.ac.kr
The Relationship between Attribution, Pride, and Customer Responses through Customer Participation in a Successful Purchase Situation: Customer’s Good Pride and Bad Pride

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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between customer participation, internal attribution, pride, psychological ownership, and customer behavior in a successful purchase situation. This study intends to discuss that the higher the customer participation in the purchase success situation, the higher the effort attribution to find the cause of success in one's own effort than the ability attribution to find the cause in one's own ability. And this study suggest that the degree of authentic pride and hubristic pride experienced due to these efforts and ability attribution is different. In addition, this study will examine the effects of authentic pride and hubristic pride on psychological ownership and the effects of psychological ownership on word-of-mouth and repurchase intentions. As a result of the study, it was found that in the purchase success situation, customer participation made more effort attribution than ability attribution, effort attribution experienced more authentic pride, and ability attribution experienced more hubristic pride. And authentic pride raises psychological ownership, but hubristic pride lowers psychological ownership, and this psychological ownership increases word of mouth and repurchase.


customer participation, effort attribution, ability attribution, authentic pride, hubristic pride, psychological ownership


This research is supported by The Research Foundation, Graduate School of Business, Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea (in 2019).


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∙ The author Sang Hee Kim is a professor of Marketing, college of Business Administration, Chonnam National University. Her research area includes consumer emotion, salesperson emotion and psychology, and service failure and recovery.