재택근무 테크노스트레스 통합모델 실증 연구
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The pandemic situation with COVID 19 is pushing firms to implement telework in a full scale. Yet, not so much attention has been paid to the increased technostress due to the increased use of information technology in the telework context. Technostress, in general, has been treated as being reflected only negatively in the performance of workers. However, recent studies suggest that stressors can trigger both positive and negative outcomes. In this study, we have adopted a holistic model of technostress encompassing positive (eustress) and negative (distress) technostress, and validated this theoretical model via a survey of workers in enforced telework context. Through extant literature review, challenging stressors and hindrance stressors are identified. Instruments were developed using measures developed in prior studies. Two hundred and eighty data points were collected and analyzed by partial least square modeling. Analysis largely verified the proposed model. However, the pace of technological change, techno-uncertainty and techno-insecurity were found to be insignificant while other effects were supported. In addition, the psychological coping strategies identified in psychological studies were found to be not so much effective in dealing with technostress, especially in telework context. Lastly, academic and practical implications were discussed with limitations and future research directions.
Technostress, holistic stress model, challenge stressors, hindrance stressorsAcknowledgments
This paper is based on the Master’s Thesis of Chorong Yoo at Yonsei University.
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∙ The author Chorong Yoo graduated from the Department of Visual Information Design at Kyung-hee University and later obtained a master's degree in business administration through the Yonsei University Technology Management Collaboration course. The author is currently working as a UI designer at SK communications. The main research fields of the author are user experience, UX/UI design, smart work, and technostress.
∙ The author Suhyeong Kim is a Ph.D student at Management of Technology, Yonsei Graduate School in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She majored in Technological Systems Management(Bachelor of Science) at Stony Brook University, New York and SUNY Korea, and received her M.A. in Business Administration from Yonsei University. Her research interests include startups and smart work.
∙ The author Jungwoo Lee is the Professor of Smart Technology Management at Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea. He holds a Ph.D. in computer information systems from Georgia State University, USA. In the early days of government digitalization, Jungwoo has published a developmental model of digital government, providing a theoretical basis for numerous international indices for e-government development. With subsequent external services related to government digitalization, Jungwoo is decorated in 2017 with the Presidential Honor in Republic of Korea. Aside from academic responsibilities, he had been served as CIO and University Librarian of Yonsei University. His research has been about the digitalization of business, society, and government.