Dynamic Two-Stage Network DEA 모형을 활용한 양면성 조직의 효율성과 생산성 평가: 한국 핀테크 기업을 중심으로
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This paper examines the efficiency and productivity of ambidextrous organizations, focusing on Fintech firms in Korea. Using a dynamic two-stage network data envelopment analysis(DEA) model and a Malmquist Productivity Index(MPI), we measure the efficiency and productivity of Fintech firms that conduct ambidexterity strategy for sustainable growth under the technological and market uncertainty. From the ambidexterity perspective, we distinguish two stages of management processes: technology management (Stage 1 for exploration) and financial investment (Stage 2 for exploitation). We select a sample of 47 Fintech firms in Korea between 2016 and 2020, using the KIS-VALUE and WIPS ON databases. Our findings show that the period efficiency of Fintech firms has improved until 2018 but rapidly decreased during 2019 and 2020 when the firms could not enhance efficiency by balancing two stages. This study contributes to the interdisciplinary literature on strategic management and operation management with the new methodological approach of the dynamic two-stage network DEA model to measure efficiency and productivity of ambidextrous organizations and offers some insights for management and policymakers.
Fintech, Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Dynamic Network SBM, Malmquist Productivity IndexReferences
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∙ The author Sung-Min Park is a BK21 FOUR Post-Doc in the School of Business Administration at Kyungpook National University. He received a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Kyungpook National University. His research interests are efficiency, supply chains & service quality, and arts administration.
∙ The author Hongryol Cha is a BK21 FOUR Post-Doc in the School of Business Administration at Kyungpook National University. He received a master’s degree in Economics at Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Temple University. His research interests are strategic management, international business, platforms, and business ecosystems.