Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 50, No. 5, pp.1381-1400
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Oct 2021
Received 03 May 2021 Revised 07 Jun 2021 Accepted 16 Jun 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2021.50.5.1381

혼합연구방법을 통한 프로모션 참여 요인의 탐색적 연구: 커피전문점 프로모션 사례를 중심으로

JungWon Ryu ; Sang-Lin Han ; Taeyoung Park
(First Author) Hanyang University wjddnjs1909@naver.com
(Corresponding Author) Hanyang University slhan@hanyang.ac.kr
(Co-Author) Hanyang University pa0616@hanyang.ac.kr
An Exploratory Study of the Engagement Factors in Promotion Using Mixed Methods: Focusing on the Special Promotion of Coffee Company

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This study is trying to investigate the underlying factors of consumer participation to the special promotion strategy. The most representative example of this kind of special promotion is Starbucks Summer Promotion Event. A lot of people are trying to participate to this special promotion event. Why do many people are participating to Starbucks summer promotion and what are the underlying factors of customer engagement. We tried to answer these research questions by using the mixed methodology with quantitative and qualitative study. Especially, we tried to use Python language with LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) technique to analyze Instagram online data. Managerial implications and the limitations of the study were also discussed.


Consumer engagement, Promotion, Mixed methods, LDA, grounded theory


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∙ The author JungWon Ryu is a Ph.D. student in Marketing at Hanyang University. Her research area includes service marketing and consumer behavior

∙ The author Sang-Lin Han is a professor of Marketing at Hanyang University. He received Ph.D. in Marketing from the Pennsylvania State University. His research area includes B2B marketing, channel and retail management, and service marketing.

∙ The author Taeyoung Park is working at School of Business, Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea as an associate professor after holding Ph.D. from KAIST. She is also serving as a member of Innovative Economic Subcommittee at the National Economic Advisory Council and as a Director for The Korean Society for Innovation Management and Economics. Her main research interests include strategic innovation management, technology catch-up, and entrepreneurship.