Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 50, No. 5, pp.1337-1357
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Oct 2021
Received 05 May 2021 Accepted 14 Jun 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2021.50.5.1337

이사회 구성에서의 실천과 앎: H협동조합 사례연구

Sunyoung Jung ; Seungkwon Jang
(First Author) Sungkonghoe University goodbye74@naver.com
(Corresponding Author) Professor, Business Administration Major, Sungkonghoe University serijang@skhu.ac.kr
Practice and Knowing in Constructing the Board of Directors: The case study of H Co-operative

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Research on the board of directors tends to overlook employees and their impacts, to consider the boards as black boxes, or to highlight the outcome of the board. Although the significant institutional power of co-operative board makes decisions and organizational identities, studies on co-operative board have focused on productivity or business outcome. These have neglected how it affects the decision-making procedure of members and of how co-operative members form the identity. Thus, the purpose of this study is to illuminate the ways in which collective decision-making procedure of co-operatives is formed and implemented through ‘practice’ and ‘knowing-in-practice’. A case study was conducted using the practice theory to identify the factors that affected to build the board of directors in a worker co-operative. The research findings are two-folded. Firstly, a co-operative board is constructed by members’ practices. Secondly, constructing a co-operative board is influenced by knowing-in-practice. The implications of the study are, theoretically, it allows us to see the elements that have impacted on the composition of the board and its dynamics. Practically, we should recognize that a co-operative board is not completed instantly, but is constantly changing in the negotiation process for the organizational identity.


practice, knowing-in-practice, practice theory, co-operative, board of directors


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∙ The author Sunyoung Jung is a doctoral student of the Department of Management of Co-operatives at the Graduate School of Sungkonghoe University. Her research interests are organization theory, co-operative management, practice theory, and system theory.

∙ The author Seungkwon Jang is Professor of Organization Theory, teaching co-operative management at Business Administration Major, Sungkonghoe University. He received his PhD in Organization Theory from Lancaster University (UK). His research interests include organization theory, innovation, information communication technology, co-operative management, Fair Trade, and social economy.