SNS ‘인증샷’ 사용자에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 사회자본과 시각 사회학 측면을 중심으로
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In this study, the motive factors of online users who share ‘photos’ on social media were explained from the viewpoints of social capital theory and visual sociology and the effect of these motive factors on the social network characteristics between bridging and bonding social capital was analyzed. In addition, the effect of trust and satisfaction(flow) with photo sharing on the bridging and bonding of social capital and the intention of continuous use were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, social motivation of social capital had a significant impact on social capital. Also in terms of visual sociology, narcissism and altruism have had a impact on social capital. Bridging and bonding social capital influenced trust and satisfaction (flow) and these two factors influenced continuous use intention. It was shown that bonding social capital affected the motivation for continuous use intention, while bridging social capital did not. These study attempted to study the positive expansion of social capital according to the evolution of SNS and the conversational method using images. It has implications in that it analyzed concretely in terms of social capital and visual sociology.
SNS photo-sharing, trust, social capital theory, visual sociology, narcissism, altruismAcknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2018S1A3A2075114).
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∙ The author Do-Yul Lee is worked at SK and HP and is currently serving as the CEO of an IT-related company as a founder. He received his bachelor’s degree in the Industrial Engineering from Dongguk University and received his Master’ degree in the Graduate School of Business Administration(IMBA) from Sungkyunkwan University and Ph.D. Candidate in the Graduate School of Business IT from Kookmin University. His major research interests include platform service, cloud service, social network analysis, data analytics, social communication ecology.
∙ The author Kee-Young Kwahk is a management information system professor at the College of Business Administration and the Graduate School of Business IT, Kookmin University. He graduated from the Business School of Seoul National University and received his MS and Ph.D. in management information systems from KAIST. His primary research interests include social network analysis and its applications, data analytics, user behavior in social media, and knowledge management.