서비스 공급사슬구조에 대한 탐색적 연구: 서비스사이언스의 서비스지배논리적 접근
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With the development of the service economy, IBM introduced the concept of service science in 2004. Since then, service management and service supply chain management (SSCM) have become increasingly interested in academia and industry. Supply chain management (SCM) is spreading around the world, and there are many successful cases. However, the application of supply chain management is still in its early stages in the service industry compared to the manufacturing industry, which has successfully applied supply chain management. Therefore, this study carries out a literature review with service-dominant logic (S-D Logic) as a research philosophy. Through this, we attempt an exploratory study of the service supply chain architecture, which is difficult to explain in existing manufacturing supply chains. Moreover, this work proposes research propositions and architecture model related to the service supply chain structure based on literature research. This research will provide the foundation for the Multi-disciplinary Convergence Study, aiming to generalize the service supply chain architecture.
Service Supply Chain, Service Science, Service Dominant Logic, SCMReferences
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∙ The author Yong-Jeong Kim is Ph.D. at Sogang Business School and Adjuct Professor of Chungbuk National University. The Research areas are logistics, transportation, supply chain management and service operation management based on service science. The research paper has published about 35 articles in domestic and SSCI, SCIE, SCOPUS international journals.