External Knowledge and Product Innovation in Korean Firms: Interaction Between Learning and Searching Modes
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This study examines how the external knowledge affects innovation. We categorize firms’ external knowledge sources into two modes: STI(science-technology-innovation) and DUI(doing-using-interacting). At the same time, we distinguish between the breadth and depth of firms’ external knowledge acquisition strategies, while considering the interaction between the knowledge source and the acquisition strategy. Previous studies have considered the source and the acquisition strategy of external knowledge independently. Thus, in order to fill this gap in the literature, we identify two types of external knowledge, each with its own searching mode, suggesting a 2 × 2 acquisition strategy model of external knowledge.
External knowledge source, Searching modes, Knowledge depth, Knowledge breadth, External knowledge acquisition strategyReferences
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∙ The author Jaegun Lee is an Ph.D. student at the School of Business Administration, Kyungpook National University, Korea. He earned his MA in strategy and organization from the School of Business Administration, Kyungpook National University, Korea. His research interests include failure experience, and R&D cooperation.
∙ The author Moon-Goo Huh, (Ph.D. Korea University) is a professor of strategy and organization at the School of Business Administration, Kyungpook National University, Korea. His current research interests include dynamic capability, competitive strategy, ambidextrous organization, knowledge and innovation, and social capital.