전략적 조직변화의 의도치 않은 결과: 항공사고의 전략적 원인
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In this paper, the accident-inducing effects of strategic change which is intended to adapt to environment flexibly are examined. Unlike previous studies in which accidents were commonly attributed to operational malfunctions or errors, we draw attention to the accident-inducing effects of strategic factors associated with strategic changes, such as niche change, structure change, and core strategic resource change. We suggest that these particular factors, while increasing flexibility, may also cause an unintended increase in the risk of accidents because they reduce reliability and increase complexity. The results of our analysis of accident rates in the U.S. airline industry from 1978 to 2011 showed that these three strategic factors affected the occurrence of accidents positively, as predicted in our hypotheses.
Accident, Strategic Change, Niche Change, Structure Change, Core Strategic Resource ChangeAcknowledgments
This research is supported by Yonsei University, School of Business and Yonsei Business Research Institute
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∙ The author Doyoon Kim is professional research at the Yonsei Business Research Institute, Seoul, Korea. He received his Ph.D. from Yonsei University. His past works were published in academic journals from diverse backgrounds including Korean management Review, Journal of Strategic Management, Knowledge Management Research. He teaches organization theory, strategic management, and venture creation and management through Korea University, Yonsei University, and Hanyang University Business School. His research interests include organization theory, organizational learning, technology management, startup and entrepreneurship.
∙ The author Dongyoub Shin is professor of organization theory at the School of Business, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University. His past works were published in academic journals from diverse backgrounds including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Poetics. His research interests include organizational politics and institutional change, relational sources of organizational dysfunctions, sources and consequences of decoupling, coevolution between technological systems and institutional systems, organizational changes in the currently ongoing paradigm shift, and organizational analysis of cultural industries.