스팸 필터링 앱 사용자의 이탈 요인 연구: 이탈자와 지속 사용자 비교 및 앱 로그 빅데이터 분석을 중심으로
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Recently, various spam calls and messages targeting mobile phone users have been continuously increasing. As the types of spam are becoming diversified with increasing frequency, it not only causes considerable inconvenience to mobile users, but also becomes a risk factor in information security and financial accidents. Telecommunication companies have developed and distributed spam filtering apps, and mobile users are increasingly interested in spam blocking and spam information sharing services. Nevertheless, there have been behaviors that do not use or stop using spam filtering apps. Therefore, it is important for companies and organizations, which need to increase the usage rate of spam filtering apps, to diagnose the use status of spam filtering apps and to analyze how customer churn occurs. This study compares the usage patterns of spam filtering apps between users and churners, and identifies the characteristic behaviors of churners. In particular, by analyzing the big data of app usage log, we derive the factors that affect the increase in churn rate. With the results of this study, it contributes to establishing a safer mobile phone environment by preventing customers from churning and activating the use of spam filtering functions.
Mobile Spam Filtering App, Big Data Analysis, Customer Churn FactorReferences
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∙ The author Ae Ri Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at Sangmyung University. She worked at Korea Telecom as a senior manager in Business Planning and R&D Division. She received her Ph.D. in Information Systems from Yonsei University and her MBA in Technology Management from KAIST. Her research interests include digital transformation, business intelligence, and information security & privacy. She has published papers in Information & Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Internet Research, Behaviour & IT, and Journal of Global Information Management.
∙ The author Chanhee Kwak is an assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Data Science at Kangnam University. He received Ph.D. degree in management engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests include data analytics, privacy and information systems, and digital transformation. His research has been published in International Journal of Information Management and Journal of Knowledge Management.