정부의 기술개발 지원사업이 중견기업 R&D 투자 유인 및 혁신성과에 미치는 효과
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The purpose of this study investigated the effect of government R&D support programs on R&D investment and innovation performance of Korean medium sized enterprises. This study conducted empirical analysis on 284 mid-sized enterprises (including preliminary mid-sized enterprises) with experience in utilizing government R&D support programs in the past three years to achieve this research objective. The analysis results have following findings. First. it was found that government R&D support programs had a positive effect on R&D investment of medium sized enterprises. In the case of mid-sized enterprises, the motivation to apply and use government R&D support programs are to invest in R&D in challenging and high-risk areas rather than securing R&D funds. Second, the government R&D support programs were found to have a positive effect on technology innovation performance of medium sized enterprises. Third, the government R&D support programs were found to have a positive effect on the operating innovation performance of medium sized enterprises. In other words, the government R&D support programs have the effect of securing cost competitiveness through improving existing technologies or improving processes in addition to developing new technologies
government R&D support programs, R&D investment, technology innovation performance, operating innovation performance, Medium sized enterprisesReferences
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∙ The author Yong-ki Min is a PhD Candidate in International Business, Sogang University. He earned a bachelors’ degree in Department of Trade from Kyungpook National University, a master’s degree in Economics from the Korea University Graduate School of Policy studies. His research interests include international management strategy, marketing, business models, and consumer decision-making.
∙ The author Jae-Hwi Jeong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Trade at Daegu University. He received his PhD in international business and strategy from Sogang University. He has conducted international technology transfer and international strategy for the emerging markets. He also examines the relationship between international CSR and HRM performance.
∙ The author Chol Lee is currently a Professor in the Department of Business Administration at Sogang University. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and a Master in Business Administration at Seoul National University, and a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin. He served as a president and an editor-in-chief of the Korean Academy of International Business, and served on an editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies(JIBS) and Korean management Review. His primary research interests include global management, global marketing, global brands, government export policies, social enterprise, customer satisfaction management, and corporate social responsibility(CSR).
∙ The author Do-eui Kim is a PhD Candidate in International Business, Sogang University. Do-eui Kim earned a bachelors’ degree in Business Administration from Korea Nazarene University, a master’s degree in International Business from Sogang University. Her active research areas are cross cultural consumer behavior, online consumer behavior, consumer decision making, and corporate social responsibility.