노인장기요양시설에서의 웰니스 IT서비스 특성과 이용의도와의 관계
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This study examines the relationship of wellness IT service characteristics and intention to use in long-term care facilities for the elderly based on Digital Transformation. Digital transformation has been actively carried out in finance, automobile manufacturing, and various services and has recently been promoted in the medical and welfare services sectors. This research examines the effect of wellness IT service characteristics using the value-based adoption model as the theoretical framework. The proposed research model is tested via a survey of 344 stakeholders of the long-term care facilities. Our study found that accuracy, safety, cleanness, and reliability were associated with perceived usefulness. On the contrary, they are not significantly associated with performance load. Perceived benefits positively affect the perceived value, but the perceived sacrifice does not significantly affect the perceived value. Finally, perceived value is strongly associated with customer satisfaction and intention to use the wellness IT service at long-term care facilities. This research suggests that service providers need to continuously evaluate and improve the perceived value to increase wellness information technology services. This research will help introduce wellness information technology in the long-term care facilities for the elderly, aiming for digital transformation.
Digital Transformation, Long-Term Care Facilities, Perceived Value, Value-based Adoption Model, Wellness IT ServiceReferences
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∙ The author Youngsuk Park is currently a representative director of Maris Care Co., Ltd. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education at Sungkyunkwan University and master's degree in Engineering at Yonsei University, and his Ph.D. degree in IT Policy & Management at Soongsil University. He had worked for LG Nsys as CTO of IT Infra Business. His research areas are Internet of Things and Big Data-based Long Term Care Service
∙ The author Jongsub Lee is currently a director at Xeno Solution Co., Ltd. He obtained his B.B.A in Electronic Engineering from Kyungil University and M.S in Industrial Information Management from Yonsei University, and currently a Ph.D. Candidate of IT Policy & Management at Soongsil University. His research interests include Digital Transformation, IoT, Big data, Cloud Computing, and Financial Information Security.
∙ The author Jiyoung Yeon is currently an associate professor of tourism at Baekseok University and holds a doctorate in business administration from Inha University. She worked in public relations offices, training centers, and strategic management headquarters at one of the major airlines in South Korea. Her research interest includes the evaluation of service quality, service design, and business negotiation strategies.
∙ The author Jeongil Choi is currently a professor at the School of Business Administration, Soongsil University. He served as president of the Korea Society of IT Services and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Management from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He worked as an invited research fellow at INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre, and an assistant professor at Merrimack College, North Andover, MA, USA, and a senior research associate at the Korea Information Society Development Institute. His research areas are the online business model, service operations management, and IT-based service adoption and diffusion.