디지털 성숙도 진단모형 개발과 적용을 통한 디지털 트랜스포메이션 준비성에 관한 연구: 석유화학산업 S회사의 사례를 중심으로
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The purpose of this study is to develop and apply a measurement tool to diagnose digital maturity(DM) for oil and chemical industry organizations. DM refers to the state of being complete, perfect or ready. This study focused on technology, strategy, human, and culture and each factor consisted of 1∽5 indicators. The DM stage consists of five stages: DT awareness level, beginning level, investment level, strategic utilization level, and optimizer level. As a result of a pilot application to a S company among oil and chemical industry organizations in Ulsan, all factors were found to be in the beginning level. A cluster analysis of the human dimension with the k-means algorithm showed that the second group showed a significant decrease in job adaptability and readiness for change. The DM model of this study is useful for understanding DT from a comprehensive perspective and will help to understand the current (as-is) level and the direction forward. It will be effectively used to provide the present position and future direction to the organization promoting DT and the discussion of limitations is believed to contribute to the expansion of relevant research.
Digital Transformation(DT), Maturity Model, Digital Maturity Model, Level Diagnosis, Oil and Chemical IndustryReferences
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∙ The author Myung-Sook Heo received her MBA and PhD in MIS from the University of Ulsan. She served as a visiting professor in MIS Department in the University of Ulsan. Her research areas are in digital transformation, knowledge management, personal creativity, and learning agility.
∙ The author Myun-Joong Cheon is a professor of MIS at the University of Ulsan. He holds his MBA from Indiana State University and PhD in MIS from the University of South Carolina. His research areas are in digital transformation, knowledge management, and IT/IS outsourcing.