데이터 기반의 디자인 씽킹을 이용한 서비스 개선 전략에 대한 연구: 홈쇼핑의 T 커머스 사례 분석을 중심으로
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This study recommends a new research methodology which derives an innovative consideration by adding various data analytics and literature review on traditional design thinking process. Through in-depth data-based design thinking process, we proposed new service named discount-subscribe service based on the customer segment and even A/B strategy. The result of this study showed such implications. First, this study has suggested data-based design thinking as a new type of methodology for digital transformation strategy applying design thinking process in business research. Second, data-based design thinking helps to understand the problems from the consumers' perspective and to derive innovative idea for it, instead of verifying the hypotheses established from the researchers' perspective. Third, in order to compensate for the shortcomings of traditional design thinking process as a qualitative analysis, this study improved the completeness of it as a research methodology by concurrently conducting quantitative analysis and literature review. Moreover, data-based design thinking is appropriate to construct digital transformation strategy since it is appropriate to construct new business model from social listening data. Consequently, data-based design thinking method provides the value of an industry-academic compatible research methodology, finding ways to empathize and communicate with consumers.
design thinking, digital transformation, social listening, social network analysis, time series analysis, T-commerceReferences
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∙ The author ChangHyun Lee is enrolled in the master’s course in Management Information Systems (MIS) at Hanyang University business school. His main interests are digital transformation, customer analysis, and IT planning strategy.
∙ The author KyungJin Cha is currently an associate professor in the department of Management Information Systems (MIS) in Hanyang University business school. She graduated from the University of Tasmania in Australia with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Management Information Systems and had a PhD in Management Information Systems from the Australian National University. Her major research areas are data science, digital transformation, social listening, information security, and smart work.
∙ The author GyooGun Lim is currently a professor in the department of Management Information Systems (MIS) in Hanyang University business school. He graduated bachelor’s degree in computer science at KAIST, master’s degree in computer at POSTECH, PhD in management engineering at KAIST. His major research areas are business models, IT service innovation, artificial intelligence and management, e-business, and bright internet.