숨은 소비 의도의 영향 요인: 아이덴티티 목적 관련성과 사회적 반사용 압력의 매개효과를 중심으로
본 연구는 개인의 소비 목적을 달성시키는 수단적 소비가 사회로부터 반사용 압력을 받을 때 의도적으로 숨어서 소비할 것으로 가정하고, 숨은 소비 의도를 개인적 동기 요인과 준거집단 압력 요인을 통해 규명하였다. 개인적 동기 요인으로 아이덴티티 목적 관련성을 고찰하고, 그의 영향 요인으로 제품의 자아 이미지 일치성, 수단 기능 일치성, 편리 기능 일치성을 탐색하였다. 준거집단 압력 요인으로 사회적 반사용 압력을 고찰하고, 그의 영향 요인으로 타인과의 공유 가치 부재, 타인의 부정적 평가를 탐색하였다. 추가적으로 아이덴티티 목적 관련성과 숨은 소비 의도의 관계에서 사회적 반사용 압력의 조절 효과를 탐색하였다.
그 결과, 아이덴티티 목적 관련성이 숨은 소비 의도에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치고, 자아 이미지 일치성, 수단 기능 일치성, 편리 기능 일치성 모두 아이덴티티 목적 관련성에 정(+)적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 사회적 반사용 압력이 숨은 소비 의도에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 탐색되었다. 사회적 반사용 압력에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 요인으로 타인의 부정적 평가를 식별하였으나, 공유 가치 부재는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 공유 가치 부재가 타인의 부정적 평가에 정(+)적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 추가적으로, 아이덴티티 목적 관련성과 숨은 소비 의도의 관계에서 사회적 반사용 압력이 조절 작용하는 것으로 탐색되었다.
본 연구는 공개 소비의 대립 개념인 숨은 소비의 개념을 도출하고 정량적으로 실증 분석하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 이는 개인이 집단에 소속되어 사회적 자아 개념에 기초하여 행동한다는 사회 정체성 이론의 발전에 기여한다. 마케터는 자사 제품이 타겟 소비자가 추구하는 목적을 달성시킬 수 있는지 검토하여, 소비자의 자아와 소비 목적 간의 관련성을 제고시킬 필요가 있다. 또한 자사 제품의 사용에 대한 사회적 제재를 제거하기 위하여 사회 구성원의 인식을 개선하고 긍정적인 사회 분위기를 조성해야 한다.
Consumers have a desire to show off their ideal identity. When a product or a brand that they purchase represents their own self image positively, the view of others wouldn't be a problem, but when their image is represented negatively, the view of others would become an important object to avoid. Consumers used to purchase certain goods as a means to achieve their own goals. Since instrumental consumption is closely related to attainment of one's own consuming purpose, it is hard for consumers to stop such consuming behavior even when it may be feared of being blamed by others. That is why they struggle to achieve the goal by forcibly consuming. The hidden consumption is a type of instrumental consumption, having a characteristic of intentional invisibility. It is assumed in this study that if instrumental consumption to achieve one's own goal is to be blamed by others, consumers would intentionally hide themselves and consume secretly.
When the use of a particular product can achieve the identity goal of a consumer, the product then becomes a means to achieve the goal and is relevant to the identity goal. The present study places a focus on the congruity between products and consumers as a factor affecting the identity goal relevance. If, from the symbolic viewpoint of a product the significance embedded in the product matches the self-image of a consumer, and from the functional viewpoint of the product the function of using the product is lined together with consumer’s expectation, the goal relevance between the product and the consumer's identity is increased and hidden consumption intention may thus be promoted. Therefore, efforts are made in the present study to investigate such factors that affect the identity goal relevance as self-image congruity, functional congruity, and convenience congruity of a product.
On the other hand, the degree of social acceptance of products that consumers use is also an important factor. The reference group usually exercises normative social influence on an individual and puts social pressure on him to conform to expectations of the society. Due to the opinion difference of using the product between consumers the value of using the product are not co-shared and others may evaluate the using of products negatively, consumers may be put under social pressure. This can increase the hidden consumption intention of the product. In this context, a research was made to examine the absence of shared value with others and negative evaluation of others as factors affecting social anti-usage pressure. In addition, we further investigated the moderating effect of social anti-usage pressure on the relationship between identity goal relevance and hidden consumption intention.
For an empirical analysis, cosmetic surgery is selected as a target product of hidden consumption intention. A survey was conducted online for women from February 2 to March 6, 2018. Out of 550 questionnaires collected from the survey, 520 were selected as valid and were put into regression analysis of SPSS 20.0 as well as AMOS 20.0 structural equation modeling analysis.
The results of study are as follows: first, identity goal relevance turned out to exercise positive (+) effect upon hidden consumption intention; second, it was found that self-image congruity, functional congruity and convenience congruity all had positive (+) influences upon identity goal relevance; third, social anti-usage pressure exercised positive (+) influence upon hidden consumption intention; fourth, it was revealed that negative evaluation of others had positive (+) effect upon social anti-usage pressure but absence of shared value didn't. fifth, absence of shared value exercise positive (+) effect upon negative evaluation of others. In addition, as a result of verifying the moderating effects of social anti-usage pressure on the relationship between identity goal relevance and hidden consumption intention, it became obvious that the identity goal relevance had a positive (+) influence on hidden consumption intention and the social anti-usage pressure controlled its positive (+) influence.
In this study, the concept of hidden consumption which is a counter-concept of open consumption was derived, and the psychological mechanism of hidden consumption was quantitatively analyzed from the perspective of the reference group norm. The investigation of this study is thought to contribute to development of theory by revealing that consumers may behave as if they obey the norms of the group as a way to maintain their own social identity by concealing their real behaviors that can be socially condemned.
The managerial implications of this study could be summed up as follows: Marketers need to examine whether their products can achieve the goals they are pursuing and to improve their relevance to the consumers' egos and their consumption goals. To this end, marketers must furthermore endeavor to encourage consumers to choose their products as a means of achieving their consumption goals. Meanwhile, even when a product achieves its own consumption goal but its consumption is not socially acceptable, consumers consume it secretly owing to the pressure of not using it. Therefore, marketers should map out a 1 : 1 marketing plan to protect consumers' privacy. Moreover, marketers are requested to endeavor to improve perceptions of social members and create a positive social atmosphere in order to eliminate social sanctions for their products.
Self-image congruity, Functional congruity, Convenience congruity, Identity goal relevance, Absence of sharing value, Negative evaluation, Social anti-usage pressure, Hidden consumption intention키워드:
자아 이미지 일치성, 수단 기능 일치성, 편리 기능 일치성, 아이덴티티 목적 관련성, 공유 가치 부재, 부정적 평가, 사회적 반사용 압력, 숨은 소비 의도References
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• 저자 김민지는 현재 서울대학교 경영대학 시간강사로 재직 중이다. 전북대학교 상과대학에서 경영학을 전공하였으며, 동 대학에서 경영학석사 및 경영학박사를 취득하였다. 박사학위 취득 이후에는 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 신진연구자로서 활발히 연구를 진행 중이다. 주요 연구분야는 마케팅, 소비자 행동, 소비 심리 등이다.
• 저자 최낙환은 현재 전북대학교 상과대학 경영학과 마케팅 전공 교수로 재직 중이다. 한국마케팅저널 편집위원장을 역임하였다. 주요 연구분야는 마케팅, 소비자 행동, 소비 심리 등이다