ERGM을 활용한 자동차산업 공급 네트워크 분석
본 논문은 자동차산업의 공급 네트워크를 구성하는 내재적 프로세스를 분석했다. Exponential Random Graph Model (ERGM) 모형을 2017년 자동차산업 편람 데이터에 적용하여 공급 네트워크의 근본적인 프로세스를 탐색하였다. 그 결과 자동차산업의 공급 네트워크는 기본적으로 사슬 구조였다. 물자를 공급받은 납품처가 가공 후 다른 업체에게 공급하는 사슬 형태가 유의하게 많았다. 기본 형태의 공급사슬은 중개업체를 공유하거나 층위를 건너뛰지 않았다. 또한, 고객사의 고객사에게 직접 납품하는 구조는 찾기 어려웠다. 즉, 이행성은 나타나지 않았다. 하지만, 공유하는 중개업체가 많을수록 둘 간의 직접적인 거래 관계가 나타날 가능성은 커지는 것으로 확인됐다. 납품처의 경우 다양한 업체로부터 납품받을 경우 추가적인 납품 가능성이 생기는 빈익빈 부익부 현상을 확인하였다. 공급업체의 경우 자원의 한계로 인해 다양한 납품처에 납품할수록 추가적인 납품 가능성은 작아짐을 확인했다.
This paper analyzes the endogeneous processes that make up the supply network of the automotive industry. A supply network is basically a network in which one company provides goods and information to another. The actual network we observe is a structurally emergent form in which several individual endogenous processes interact. The supply network is a complex adaptation system created by interaction processes. Nevertheless, previous studies have overlooked the interaction of these attributes or the endogenous processes. This is largely due to the limitations of existing research methodologies. Therefore, this study will examine the fundamental aspect of supply network as a complex adaptation system by using a new network analysis method that recognizes interactions in supply network.
An Exponential Random Graph Model (ERGM) model was applied to the 2017 Automotive Handbook to explore the underlying processes of the supply network. An ERGM is an novel approach that incorporates endogenous structural effects of network and allows the interactions among various covariates of nodes or links. As a result, the supply network in the automotive industry was basically a chain structure. There were many types of chains that were supplied by suppliers to other companies after its own processing. The basic supply chain did not share intermediaries or skip tiers. In addition, it was difficult to find a structure that directly delivered to customers. In other words, there was no transitivity which can be easily observed in human networks. However, the more intermediaries they share, the more likely they are to have a direct trade relationship. In the case of the purchasers, we confirmed the phenomenon of the rich get richer, which is the possibility of additional transaction when receiving from various companies. As for the suppliers, it is revealed that the possibility of additional delivery is lower as they are delivered to various suppliers due to resource limitations.
This study revealed for the first time the endogenous process that constitutes the supply network of the Korean automobile industry. The ERGM model, which recognizes the dependencies between explanatory variables, was used to analyze the fundamental processes of the automotive supply network. Comprehensive inclusion of various explanatory variables to identify the supply relationship in the automotive industry could lead to new conclusions, including the results of previous studies.
Automobile Industry, Supply Network, Exponential Random Graph Models키워드:
자동차산업, 공급 네트워크, ERGMAcknowledgments
이 논문은 2017년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (NRF-2017S1A5A2A03069011)This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017S1A5A2A03069011)
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• 저자 박철순은 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 산업공학과에서 학사 및 석사학위를, 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 경영공학과에서 박사학위를 취득하였다. 현재 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 부교수로 재직 중이며, 주요 관심 분야는 네트워크 시뮬레이션, 공급 네트워크 분석, 네트워크에서의 확산, 개방형 혁신 등이다.
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