Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.875-888
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2020
Received 30 Oct 2019 Revised 27 Apr 2020 Accepted 28 Apr 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2020.49.4.875

연말정산 환급 및 추가납부에 대한 근로소득자의 인식 전환이 가능한가? 프레이밍 효과(Framing effect)를 활용한 납세자의 연말정산 인식 연구

*(단독저자) 경상대학교 경영대학 경영학과 ywpark1974@gnu.ac.kr
Is It Possible to Change the Perception of Wage Earners about Tax Refunds and Additional Payments for the Year-end Tax Settlement?
Yong Wan Park*
*Gyeongsang National University, First Author


연말정산이란 근로소득자들이 매월 원천징수를 통해 납부했던 세금과 다양한 세제 혜택을 받아서 최종 확정된 세액을 비교하여 정산하는 것이다. 정부가 연말정산을 통해 과도하게 거둔 세금을 환급할 때에는 오직 원금만을 되돌려 주기 때문에 납세자 입장에서는 이자비용만큼을 손해보고 있음에도 대부분의 근로소득자들은 환급에 기뻐하고 추가납부에 분노한다. 본 연구는 연말정산에 대한 설명을 환급과 추가납부가 아닌 이자비용에 초점을 둘 경우 납세자들의 연말정산에 대한 인식이 바뀔 수 있다고 기대하고 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 1에서 참여자들은 중립프레이밍 조건에서는 추가납부보다 환급을 선호하였으나 대출프레이밍에서는 환급과 추가납부 간의 태도 차이가 없어짐을 밝혔다. 실험 2에서는 프레이밍에 따라 원천징수비율의 선택이 달라질 것이라 예상하였으나 유의미한 효과는 나타나지 않았다. 결과를 바탕으로 향후 연구 및 시사점을 제시하였다.


The year-end settlement refers to the adjustment of the tax paid by the wage earner based on balancing withholding tax and the finalized tax amount through various tax benefits. Most wage earners are happy with the refunds and angry about the additional payments through year-end tax settlements. Although the wage earner only receives the principal without an interest cost when the government returns taxes collected excessively, they do not realize that they lose an interest cost and an opportunity cost. This study examined that the perception of wage earners could change depending on how to describe the year-end tax settlement. Framing effect is an cognitive bias that preference or attitude toward an option would vary depending on whether it is presented with positive or negative frame because of a tendency avoiding risk under gain domain but seeking risk under loss domain. Thus, this study try to shift the perceptual focus of wage earners from the principal to the interest cost and the opportunity cost using framing effect. Specifically, I expected that the attitude of wage earners toward year-end tax settlements would be more positive under the loan framing condition focusing on the interest cots and the oppurtunity cost than under the neutral condition, and the results of Experiment 1 supported this prediction. In Experiment 2, I examined whether the choice of wage earners for withholding tax ratio would be affected by the framing. Because most taxpayers prefer the tax refund to the additional payment, the government gave the wage earner the option for choosing withholding tax ratio (80%, 100%, 120%). If they want to receive tax turn after the year-end tex settlement, they would chose 120% as withholding tax ratio. If they want to pay the addition tax payment, they would choose 80%. Thus, I expected that the choice ratio of 120% withholding tax ratio would increase under the loan framing condition, compared to the neutral condition, but there was no significant effect. Based on what the study found, the implications were discussed.


year-end tax settlement, framing effect, attribute framing, taxpayer, wage earner, attitude, affective response


연말정산, 프레이밍효과, 속성프레이밍, 납세자, 근로소득자, 태도, 감성적 반응


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