Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 53, No. 5, pp.1117-1135
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Oct 2024
Received 01 31 2024 Revised 13 May 2024 Accepted 20 May 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2024.53.5.1117

Effects of Qualitative Factors in Reviews on Job Seekers’ Perceptions: Empirical Analysis of Online Employer Reviews

Sung Jun Woo ; Daye Um ; Wooje Cho
(First Author) Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business sungjunwoo@snu.ac.kr
(Co-Author) Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business umdaye@snu.ac.kr
(Corresponding Author) Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business woojecho@snu.ac.kr
온라인 기업 리뷰 플랫폼에서 리뷰 질적인 측면이 리뷰 유익성에 미치는 영향
우성준 ; 엄다예 ; 조우제
(주저자) 서울대학교 경영학과
(공저자) 서울대학교 경영학과
(교신저자) 서울대학교 경영학과

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Compared with online product reviews, employer reviews include unique dimensions, such as reviewer demographics and evaluations of various organizational attributes. This study explores the role of qualitative factors within reviews on the perceived helpfulness of the review. To identify determinants of the helpfulness of employer reviews, we use a publicly accessible dataset from Glassdoor. For the analysis, a Tobit regression model is used, which is suitable for dealing with our left-censored data distribution. Our findings highlight the crucial influence of review readability, review comprehensiveness, review completeness, and the managerial response on the helpfulness of employer reviews. By proposing new measures for review comprehensiveness and completeness, this research enhances our knowledge of the qualitative factors that underpin the helpfulness of employer review in the realm of online employer reviews.


Online employer review, helpfulness of employer review, qualitative factors in reviews, review comprehensiveness, review completeness


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022S1A3A2A01089239)


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∙ The author Sung Jun Woo is currently working at the US-based health-tech startup, Need. He graduated from Hanyang University Business School and earned a Master of Science degree in Management Information Systems from the Graduate School of Business at Seoul National University. His primary research areas include the macroeconomic impact of IT, big data analysis, and data-driven decision-making in startups.

∙ The author Daye Um is a Ph.D. candidate at Seoul National University. She graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology and earned a Master's degree from Seoul National University. Her main research interests include social media analysis, AI-based platform analysis, and data network effects.

∙ The author Wooje Cho is an associate professor of SNU Business School at the Seoul National University, He earned his Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His recent research interests include M&A with IT firms, AI and decision-making, impact of ICT on income equality, and strategic IT management.