Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
[ Article ]
korean management review - Vol. 50, No. 4, pp.1011-1036
ISSN: 1226-1874 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2021
Received 01 Feb 2021 Revised 14 Apr 2021 Accepted 15 Apr 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17287/kmr.2021.50.4.1011

온라인마트의 유통포장 형태별 소비자 선호 및 영향요인

Yoon-Joo Park
(First Author) Associate Professor in Business Administration Department at SeoulTech University yjpark@seoultech.ac.kr
Factors Affecting Customer Preferences in E-commerce Delivery Packaging Types for Fresh Food

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The online grocery shopping is rapidly growing due to COVID-19, which results in large volumes of delivery packaging waste. Many online supermarkets aware this environmental problem nowadays and deliver goods in recyclable “paper bags/boxes” or reusable “insulated bags” in Korea. However, controversies over both types of delivery packaging in terms of eco-friendliness continue. This study comparatively analyzed consumer preferences for three types of packaging, namely “paper bags/boxes,” “supermarket insulated bags,” and newly suggested “personally owned insulated bags” in this paper and analyzed the factors affecting to them. The data of 218 consumers who regularly buy fresh food online were collected by a survey conducted through a July 2020. By analyzing this data using ANOVA and linear regression analysis, we found that consumer most prefer to receive groceries using suggested “personally owned insulated bags” than the other two types. Also, “perceived importance of temperature maintenance” and “perceived eco-friendliness” had statistically significant effects on preference by packaging type. This result implies that “personally owned insulated bags/coolers” can be the eco-friendly alternative packaging method for online grocery market, thus if online supermarkets add this packaging type, they will be able to improve a green corporate image as well as improve consumer satisfaction.


Online Grocery Market, Fresh Food, Delivery Packaging, Eco-Friendly, Insulated Bags


This research is supported by Seoul National University of Science and Technology Research Fund.


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∙ The author Yoon-Joo Park is an associate professor in the department of business administration in SeoulTech University. She received bachelor’s & master’s degree from Korea Univeristy and Ph.D. in management engineering from KAIST. She worked as a visiting scholar in Stern Business School in NYU and a manager in Samsung Life Insurance. Her research interest is business intelligence and eco-friendly business.