서비스 회복 투명성 측정을 위한 척도 개발 및 타당화: 금융산업을 중심으로
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The purpose of this study is to conceptualize the recovery transparency in the financial industry and develop a scale for measuring the financial company’s recovery efforts within the context of financial service failure. We newly constructed the concept of service recovery effort by adding recovery transparency to justice and authenticity mainly used in previous studies. And then we developed a two-dimensional measure of recovery transparency composed of visibility and traceability based on the literature review and the review of professional groups. We conducted an experimental study based on analyzing data from 293 respondents of a questionnaire and provided them with one of the 16 service failure and recovery scenarios in the context of a financial mis-selling. As a result of factor analyses such as exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a multi-item scale involving four factors (visibility, traceability, authenticity, and justice) is developed. The recovery transparency proposed in this study will be useful for future research on service recovery in various service fields as well as in the financial service.
Financial service failure, Scale development, Recovery transparency, Visibility, TraceabilityReferences
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• The author Jinyong Choi is a senior researcher of Institute for Business Research at Sogang University and a senior manager at Samsung Life Insurance in South Korea. He received Ph.D. degree from Business Administration at Sogang University in South Korea. His active research areas are Fintech, financial regulation, service operation, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), and ITSM (Information Technology Service Management). His publications are found in Korean journals such as Korean Management Review, Korean Business Review, and The Journal of the Korea Service Management Society.
• The author Sangyoo Kim is a doctoral student in graduate school of Business, Sogang University and works at Economic Research Institute of Industrial Bank of Korea in South Korea. She received MS degrees from Sogang International Master Business Administration at Sogang University and Technology Management at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her active research areas are financial innovation, service failure and recovery, and service management. She has been published in Korean Business Review and The Journal of Information Systems.